
Felina Fashion Pageant is the glomorus and prestigious Beauty pageant in India …. Felina will show case India’s best clothes designers , jwellery designers and brand along with a compitition for the prestigious crown of Felina Fashion

We give everyone a chance to glorify their skills. Felina Fashion Pageant conduct peagent in different categories to identify talent, Beauty , Intelligence with no age bar.
Every month Felina Fashion Pageant comes up with digital competition which can provide youth a National platform to show case there Talent

Our Story

Felina Fashion Pageant is an organisation that honours beauty in every form. We aim to represent India’s femininity and masculinity in the most admirable ways. We believe in one’s natural essence, not the idealised versions of society. The organisation’s roots began a year ago. Run by women and towards everyone, we wish to bring out their abilities and empower them

Our vision for this contest overviews India on a National scale. Promoting one’s self- worth, their ability to determine their own choices and right to influence social changes for themselves and others. Winner will be crowned with pretentious crown and will be given several benefits and opportunity to scale in modelling and acting industries across India. We will encourage them to represent India on further international levels of competition.
It is an effort to find, encourage and award its participants who display the virtues of supporting natural beauty and participate in giving back to Mother Earth, at least a small part of what has been given to us and abundant gifts of life and nature.

Our Story

September 19, 2012

Podium Model Management, established in 1990, is one of the world's top model agencies, representing some of the fashion industry's most successful faces. A dedicated team of highly experienced professionals have enabled Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades. Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades.

Our Story

September 19, 2015

Podium Model Management, established in 1990, is one of the world's top model agencies, representing some of the fashion industry's most successful faces. A dedicated team of highly experienced professionals have enabled Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades. Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades.

Our Story

September 19, 2016

Podium Model Management, established in 1990, is one of the world's top model agencies, representing some of the fashion industry's most successful faces. A dedicated team of highly experienced professionals has enabled Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades. Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades.

Our Story

September 19, 2017

Podium Model Management, established in 1990, is one of the world's top model agencies, representing some of the fashion industry's most successful faces. A dedicated team of highly experienced professionals has enabled Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades. Podium to sustain its success and dominate the fashion world for over three decades.

Our Team

It’s my pleasure to introduce myself.i am pallavi prajapat I am founder of VRP production house indore,i have been crowed as Mrs best bride of indore,Mrs India finalist and dp jwellers best walk winner and also best personality winner ,i have worked with seweral NGO ‘s to provide help to many and spread happiness around the world, i belief is my…


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Models school
